Submission 1

Row # Pass / No Pass Comments Collegeboard
1 No Pass The purpose of this code is the functionality. 0
2 Pass A list is used and simplifies the program enough to warrant its use. 0
3 Pass The list used does sucessfully manage gomplexity in the project 0
4 Pass This procedure meets the Collegeboard requirements and is called in the program. 0
5 Pass This code includes all three required features and meets collegeboard requirements. 0
6 Pass Both calls pass different segments of code and have the appropriate outputs. 1

Submission 2

Row # Pass / No Pass Comments Collegeboard
1 Pass The program has a clear purpose and function that are different but related. 1
2 Pass The program makes good use of lists and it assists in managing complexity. 1
3 Pass This list effectively manages complexity and has a important role in the code that couldnt easily be written any other way. 1
4 Pass This procedure has a fundemental process and has at least one paramater. 1
5 Pass This algorithm includes squencing, selection, and iteration. 1
6 Pass The two calls go through the algorithm and make use of fifferent functions in the algorithm. 1

Submission 3

Row # Pass / No Pass Comments Collegeboard
1 No Pass The purpose and function are the same. 0
2 Pass The program makes good use of lists and it assists in managing complexity. 1
3 Pass This list effectively manages complexity and has a important role in the code that couldnt easily be written any other way. 1
4 Pass This procedure has a fundemental process and has at least one paramater. 1
5 Pass This algorithm includes squencing, selection, and iteration. 1
6 Pass The two calls go through the algorithm and make use of fifferent functions in the algorithm. 1

Submission 4

Row # Pass / No Pass Comments Collegeboard
1 Pass The program has a clear purpose and function that are different but related. 1
2 No Pass The list is insuficcient for the listed requirements. 0
3 No Pass This list isn’t entirely necessary and therefore is not essential. 0
4 Pass This procedure has a fundemental process and has at least one paramater. 1
5 Pass This algorithm includes squencing, selection, and iteration. 1
6 No Pass The algorithm does not have both inputs go through different code segments. 0