
Q8 - Laptops being borrowed from a school library

Mistake: Only selected one option on the two-select question

Q13 - old enough to drive but not to vote

Mistake: Option I does not work because it incorrectly handles 18 year olds. It lets 18 year olds through while the explanation states that they need to be under 18.

Q22 - Find average height of students

Mistake: I included the chance of error by passing data between many hands when I should have expected an error free enviroment.

Q41 - Simulating election votes

Mistake: Only selected one option on the two-select question. D would have been an equal answer as is looks for < 2/10

Q50 ASCII character with hexidecimal

Mistake: This question is genuiney hard and I definitely need to study hexidecimal systems more.


I believe that I could have done better had I studied or payed more attention to the blantantly stated expectations on some of the questions. I definitely need to take another look at hexidecimal and refresh my memory.