Q 1

why Incorrect Answer: 70 Seconds Correct Answer: 80 Seconds Explanation: I did not correctly read that each process can only be ran on one processor at a time. Thus I simply summed the values and divided by two instead of finding the smallest combination of two process that can execute in more time than a third process.

Q 11

why Incorrect Answer: B Correct Answer: A Explanation: I misread option A and believed that no listed process followed the path of Combine -> Sort -> Remove Duplicates.

Q 12

why Incorrect Answer: D Correct Answer: B Explanation: I did not take into account the extra space that would be needed to store a larger data set. I also imagined that more code statments would lead to a larger performance impact.

Q 37

why Incorrect Answer: D Correct Answer: B Explanation: I forgot that n^2 is considered a reasonable execution count given that some code runs at n! executions.

Q 41

why Incorrect Answer: A Correct Answer: C Explanation: It is more useful to know which row a negative is than knowing that there is a negative in a column.

Q 43

why Incorrect Answer: A Correct Answer: B Explanation: Procedural abstraction makes code easier to read at the expense of a small amount of processing time due to the creation of functions.

Q 47

why Incorrect Answer: A Correct Answer: B Explanation: I made a simple miscalculation that led me to believe that 15 would have been much too far from the highest indexed value, which would have made 10 technically the closet answer.

Q 49

why Incorrect Answer: B Correct Answer: A Explanation: This code segment traverses the entire list and compares all elements in the list to the first element. This includes comparing the first element to itself which will always evaluate to true; however, the first element in the list does not represent a student’s score.

Q 50

why Incorrect Answer: D Correct Answer: B Explanation: Algorithm III does not work correctly. Algorithm III chooses the person(s) with the earliest day, disregarding the month. For example, algorithm III will incorrectly determine that a person born on February 1 has an earlier birthday than a person born on January 5.