Video 1

A program starts with an idea and is developed with a specific purpose in mind. Developers follow specific steps and follow a plan including Exploration which is a crucial part of development. Developing a program requires you to investigate a problem/purpose and reflect. Program must be designed and brainstormed, including possible requirements. Program specifications will outline all requirements. Developers create prototypes of the program or program components, and do a lot of testing. Developers refine and and revise through testing, feedback, and reflection.

Video 2

Acknowledge code segments used from other sources and include origin and author name. Programs are usually developed in teams where individuals/smaller teams work on different functional components. Each member of the project deserves to receive credit for their work so their names must be written in the documentation of the program indicating their contributions and you can use comments in the programming to give credit. If there’s a bug or error in the program, then comments can help identify who is responsible. This is useful after a program is complete and users find additional bugs. Many times, developers use code segments, procedures, algorithms, and more that are written by others which is similar to quoting someone in a paper. Any code segments, procedures, algorithms, etc… are considered the intellectual property of the author.

Video 3

Program documentation is a written description of the function of a code segment, event, procedure, or program, and how it was developed. Comments can be made in a programming language as a form of documentation. Not all programming environments support comments, so other methods of documentation may be required. Programmers should document a program throughout its development this in developing and maintaining correct programs. Create a program documentation to describe overall program and list program specs. In the beginning you should list specifications. During Development keep track of progress and at the end explain your overall process. Documenting throughout the programming can improve efficiency and the programmers’ response to bugs.

Proof of quiz thingy

Group Hacks - Azeem