

  1. What does SUV stand for?
    • Sports Utility Vehicle
    • SUper Van
    • Semi-Utilitarian Veteran
    • Slightly Upset Volvo
  2. Which unique number helps the manufacturer identify your vehicle?
    • VIN
    • License Plate
    • MSRP
    • Radiator
  3. What part of ChrisFix’s car broke during the 24 Hours of Lemons?
    • Piston Connecting Rod
    • Blinker Fluid
    • Camshaft
    • Piston Return Spring


  • Taking a project from concept to code is a lot harder than it seems on paper.
  • Making code function effectively is much harder than making code work at al.


  • We found out that to make the answer checking system work we needed to stack seperate buttons for each question.
  • After a few revisions and methodoligies our code ended up functioning.


  • Coding using radio buttons is something we had never done to this point

Create Performance Task

Purpose and Function

The purpose of this program is to learn the basics of JavaScript through the creation of a simple quiz. The program uses basic functions and IO control to ask questions, check answers, and provide answer confirmation.

Data Abstraction

We built this program using the includedm data table feature insode of App Lab. The table used is titled Questions and Answers and is used to store the questions being asked, and the answers that are used and correct.

Managing Complexity

We made the decision to switch from hard to code traditional buttons to simple radio button selection and check.

Procedural Abstraction

We created a function called display to show all of he questions and answers based on a single value.

Algorithm Implementation

We implemented an algorithm to check our answers following the pressing of the check button.


We shared our program with multiple other people and another team to get feedback to make improvements.

Alternate App

Possibly a planner that can automatically organize assignments by due date.